Nadya Edwards
Nadya can usually be found in one of two places. Either nestled in her home- studio covered in paint, ink, glue or worse— resin, or wandering the globe with a trusty backpack filled with her beloved Nikon, iphone & travel journal. When she returns home to the forest of Pefferlaw, Ontario, she unpacks the ephemera from her travels which will fervently find its way into her whimsical art.
Nadya’s journey to becoming an artist began as a child, photographing & documenting. Combined with her reverence for school supplies, she found herself decades later, knee-deep in scrapbooking. She scrapped for herself, taught workshops, did custom work for others, but the magic really began the day she nervously glued paper to canvas. Her journey as a mixed-media storyteller had begun.
Her love of reusing found objects like old books, combined with her collection of quotes finally found a home. Words are a strong presence in her work & often invoke a stay-true-to-yourself mantra. When she begins a new piece, she never knows what the message will be, she lets the creative process decide.
Fuelled by loud music, organic coffee & (depending on the time of day) red wine, Nadya continues to grow as an artist, finding beauty in the everyday and focussing on the things that truly matter.